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万昇娱乐致力于提供全渠道在线博彩管理系统,以培养平台上的用户忠诚度。我们的软件可以全面监控各种博彩和体育比赛的用户,包括足球、篮球 (NBA)、棒球、板球等。我们为不断努力升级我们的在线博彩管理系统而感到自豪,以确保我们保持行业领先地位。借助我们先进的 CRM 解决方案,我们的目标是将用户资料集中在统一的仪表板中。


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利用全面的用户数据向您的用户提供定制的促销活动,从而增强您的网站的价值。此外,利用这些数据提升您的客 户服务支持的质量,确保每位用户都获得个性化和卓越的体验。

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幸运转盘 (Lucky Spin)

Lucky spin 功能是可以让玩家在旋转虚拟的轮盘,有机会赢取各种奖励,如游戏内货币、物品,甚至真实世界的奖品。所有的奖励物品、奖品、条款和条件都可以在我们的管理系统中设置。这个奖励功能可以有效增强客户的用户体验并有效提高平台的流量。

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Access Right & Roles Assignment

You need a way to manage and grant access to your team without the hassles. With access right and roles assignment, we make it easy for you to customize and grant access to your assigned admins.
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Exclusive Website Design

With a unique website design for both member sites and back-office, we believe the layout and function are user-friendly. We don’t just build websites. We create a branding identity that resonates with your customers. We’ve got the skills, expertise, and know-how to bring your vision to life.
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Easy Access to Backend System

We always monitor the stability of the system and appliances and provide maintenance services.
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Multiple Language Available

To keep up with the borderless digital market, we provide our clients with up to ten different languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Burmese, Khmer and Spanish.
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利用全面的用户数据向您的用户提供定制的促销活动,从而增强您的网站的价值。此外,利用这些数据提升您的客 户服务支持的质量,确保每位用户都获得个性化和卓越的体验。

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幸运转盘 (Lucky Spin)

Lucky spin 功能是可以让玩家在旋转虚拟的轮盘,有机会赢取各种奖励,如游戏内货币、物品,甚至真实世界的奖品。所有的奖励物品、奖品、条款和条件都可以在我们的管理系统中设置。这个奖励功能可以有效增强客户的用户体验并有效提高平台的流量。

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white label sportsbook

Report & Forecast Tracking

With the powerful data management system, you can run your business to a higher level. With in-depth reports on your transaction details, events result, and in-depth forecasts on the future of your business, you’ll have all the information you need with just one click.
white label sportsbook

Adequate Risk Management

You might be a rookie or a pro at sports betting, but everyone has their limits. That’s why we’re here to provide you with a professional, risk-managed solution for your sports betting needs. We’re a team of professionals with years of experience in the industry, and we’ve helped countless others in the sports betting industry to ensure their risk are minimize and profitability.
white label sportsbook

24/7 Technical Supports & Customer Supports

Technical & Customer Support is available 24/7 for all your technical and customer support needs. With many years of experience and a strong focus on customer service, we’re ready to help you with any problems you may encounter. Whether it’s a technical issue, a common problem, or just need someone to talk to in your time of need, we’re here for you.
white label sportsbook

Inclusive of Popular Gaming Products

With the Internet and technology growing constantly, we‘ve constantly updated our games product including Live Casino, E-Games, Cock-Fight, Thai Lotto and many more from Europe and Asia Country. So that we can give customers the best and most popular games. Customers can choose the products they need according to the needs of their markets.
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Regular Feature Upgrade & Updates

We’ll go through player feedback and implement it with our regular feature upgrades and updates. We promise to give your players a better betting experience.
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Multiple Currencies Available

We offer a wide range of currencies including MYR, THB, USD, SGD, JPY, KRW, IDR, MMK, VND, and others to remove your worry about the payment process.
white label sportsbook

Brand Authorization

The credit whitelabel solution we provide can authorize customers to fully operate under their own brand. This authorization can save your valuable time and focus more on product marketing and promotion, and at the same time reduce its operating costs.
white label sportsbook

Access Right & Roles Assignment

You need a way to manage and grant access to your team without the hassles. With access right and roles assignment, we make it easy for you to customize and grant access to your assigned admins.
white label sportsbook

Exclusive Website Design

With a unique website design for both member sites and back-office, we believe the layout and function are user-friendly. We don’t just build websites. We create a branding identity that resonates with your customers. We’ve got the skills, expertise, and know-how to bring your vision to life.
white label sportsbook

Easy Access to Backend System

We always monitor the stability of the system and appliances and provide maintenance services.
white label sportsbook

Multiple Language Available

To keep up with the borderless digital market, we provide our clients with up to ten different languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Burmese, Khmer and Spanish.


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